Thursday, March 29, 2012

Let the flames die down a bit

soften the nasty innuendos, slow down the rumor mill, get off message - just for a moment
back off the simple but twisted soundbites, let up with the anger, don’t be so demeaning
cast a few less aspersions, tone down your blog, drop the macho posturing for a minute
toss the neckties, slip off the tight dress shoes, stop demanding that ‘God Bless America

don’t just read their speeches, quietly say no to TV makeup, drop one or two multi-tasks
don’t fear to say waste needs cut and taxes need raised, don’t check the polls Every day
maintain your own image, reduce coded rhetoric, quit lashing out just to provoke anger
let artificial suntans fade, reconsider self-entitlement, come out from your walled compounds

look just a bit beyond the next quarter, ease up on the open contempt for any foreigners
lose a little weight, try a few meatless days, exercise a bit, don’t drink quite so much
question some military outlays, quit inflaming ignorant hatred, think beyond simple GDP
slow the oversimplifying, let shades of gray dapple the black and white, even take in the outdoors

recycle a 3-piece suit, forego just one phony filibuster, tone down that greedy Christmas hype
think a bit about our food supply, soften the sarcastic smirks, lower all this furious static
don’t be quite so shrill, dare to be both with us and against us, reduce the angry righteousness
un-popularize polarization, de-emphasize animosity, come out from behind closed doors

let the flames die down a bit, say it a little more quietly, tend toward that Middle Way
lighten up on those who read and do the math, don’t shovel the unread so much red meat
maybe just speak one at a time, lower your own decibels, watch that blood pressure
quietly turn away from shouting matches, face off against problems instead of each other

nod in silence until they just stop talking, socialize with their families, isolate their hatred
lower the fog machines, take walks and naps, have a deep breath and sigh it out slowly
maybe don’t always vote in party line blocs, share the tiniest foothold upon common ground
let splinter groups form eclectic coalitions, weigh this petty enmity against the infinite darkness

reform catchphrases in your own words and see if they make sense, start here and now, with yourself
roll down the windows, sit in the grass, be mindful of the cherry blossoms as you make decisions
really feel the rain of blessings, stand outside the camera lights, lay off some of that fast food
don’t demonize until co-operation is traitorous, know yourself instead of your marketed image

move away from career politicians, maybe it doesn’t have to always come down to money
attend more to the infinite miracles proceeding at light speed all around us, often remain quite still
reasonably consider human over-population, integrate manufacturing into natural systems
try cooking from scratch, give quietly back for all you are receiving, remember the past

get some small things right, listen until they hear themselves, point out just one sunset
laugh with a bit less scorn, consider progress instead of mere victory, pause in a soft light
stumble back to the ancient path, leave less anger in your wake, spread a little less fear around
look a cow in her gentle eyes, find some reason for a joyful tear, smile as life passes so quickly by

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