Friday, February 24, 2012

Club Them With Gentle Parody And Unearned Mercy

Tyrannize them with your merest example, torture them with a vast but unassuming modesty
Beat them down with an unbroken stillness, dilute their poison in an infinite sea of tenderness
Let their twisting tongues fall harmlessly only upon their own self-deafened ears
Punish them without the slightest trace of malice using just a bit of your priceless grace

Hurt them deeply with but a wordless mercy, strike them down with gentle voices
Club them like those baby seals but with simple stillness, then smash them with patient smiles
Shut their mouths with children’s laughter, attack them savagely with fresh flowers
Muffle them with silently repeated mantras, let merciful raindrops sully their agendas

Cuff them about with cosmic quiet, put them down with ragged grins from the homeless
Rinse out their greed-blinded eyes with your own salty tears, hack at them with happiness
Silence them with endless earbud recordings of their own foolish and empty braying
Tamp down their angrily-shouted sound bites with your own long and reflective pauses

Cripple their overwhelmingly selfish greed by exemplifying what shall be held important
Smother their toxically smoldering, useless malice beneath many layers of honest goodwill
Betray their selfish hatred by bonding together with the common people of their enemies
Topple their top-heavy propaganda with polite and quietly reasoned conversations

Sterilize their fundamental beliefs with that soft light from within and just lay down their arms
Batter their egos by merely turning away, punish them for life with simple acts of kindness
Dwarf them beneath a vaster cosmic consciousness, deflate them with gentle parody
Starve their overwhelming need for attention, help them to wash off all that garish makeup

Puncture their inflated egos with divine inattention, parry angry shouts with friendly nods
Waterboard them with laughter, bury them in cosmic blessings, make light of their big lies
Waste them with wisdom, quarantine them behind universal love, rob them of bitterness
Drain their greed into the onrushing void, empty their pride into the anonymous eternity

Injure them severely with a vast disinterest, paralyze them merely by ignoring their antics
Dwarf them with visions of the infinite everlasting cosmos, smite them with unbounded pity
Lacerate them with simple honesty, leave them alone to suffer themselves in solitary
Bury them under the burdens they left for the future, defile them with that perfect bliss

Starve them on a diet of their own empty words, remove their blindfolds just at the abyss
Confound them into madness with inexplicable charity, empty them by forsaking greed
Crush them by gathering in non-violent protest, bewilder them with lighthearted pardons
Impale them on their own sharp and poisoned catchphrases, disable them with soft laughter

Confuse them with the certainty of eternal emptiness, blind them with that radiant light
Humble them with a good-natured concern over their shortsighted goals and childish needs
Slash their greedy creed with the sharp truth from ancient wisdom they so scoffingly ignored
Debase them quietly, but brutally, with constant reminder of the effects of their actions

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